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Mid November Work

About to take a walk but first a note or two. Lucky Charms for breakfast, Mass at Our Lady of Victories and my “favorite” priest celebrated the mass. Saw Rich and Joe at the service.

Back home and outside. Clearing the view to the pond, taking out Russian Olive and lots of rose briers. Fixed wood chipper prior and now I have good bit of ramial wood chips to spread around the orchard trees. Speaking of spreading, I spread the free manure and the wood ash from the burn barrel around the trees in the front orchard.

Took a nap.

Wish I had a “before” shot but here is the view now. The tree to the left will be coming down before Spring arrives next year. Oh, by the way, I will be retiring in 18 or so working days! So much more time to spend working outside, if one could call it working!


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